Is Your Team “Winging It”?


Is your team bringing its “best” or “winging it?”  

It’s the dilemma we all face.  I am pretty sure I have taken this topic and run it into the ground with my teams.  Most likely, to the point of it becoming white noise. Throughout the years, I’ve pulled out all the stops.  I have read every scripture reference, showed videos from top CMA artists, and even brought in the artists themselves to speak on being prepared.  While some methods were okay and the culture of the team did change … I realized I was not truly shepherding them as I should. I started to notice they were bringing their so-called “best” so they wouldn’t receive another lecture.  So, I started working on shepherding their hearts on what and why we do what we do. The growth in maturity from my team was quick and lasting. Here are a few things I found impactful.

Invest in your team on an individual basis.

  1. Discipleship, discipleship, discipleship.

  2. Support events or things in their lives.

  3. Meet for coffee/lunch/dinner

Weekly devotionals and cultivate deep discussions on worship together as a team.

  1. Every team needs to be bought into their “why”, so I recommend teaching the theology of why you do what you do. If you’re looking for where to start, here’s link by Kevin DeYoung on the Theology of worship.

  2. Everyone on the platform is a worship leader and are entrusted as ministers of His Word through song.

  3. Teach your church’s Philosophy of Worship.

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