
Engaging Worship

We create a 4 song worship set each week

We provide lyrics and custom engagements with your church throughout the worship set

Has engaging your church in worship been stifled by audio quality, video quality, know how, etc.? We’d love to record a worship set with custom engagements for you each week.
Please know that we understand your desire to not have something presented to your church body that feels impersonal or has a stock image, cookie cutter feel. This isn’t what we will be creating for you. We’ll insert your branding, church name and tone in each set that we create for you.


Don’t Waste Time Editing

We’ll add your branding watermark

We’ll add any notes or bible verses you’d like displayed during your message

Are you struggling with multiple takes, or even having trouble creating intro/outro slides, smooth transitions from message to announcements? We want to take that off your hands.


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Work with WSN

Work with an amazing & talented group of individuals